Student Exit Statements – Heaven's Gate

It’s 30+ massively socially awkward people talking about their fondness for science fiction and other nerd topics.

They all pretty much look the same, sound the same, and have identical interests.

Why is it that nerds tend to gravitate to the same handful of topics?  Star Trek, anime, video games.  Why not motorcycles?  You could be a motorcycle nerd, just obsessed with motorcycles.  Or butterflies.  You’re a nerd who really enjoys going around looking for butterflies.   You don’t see this.

If being a nerd was just about being different, wouldn’t you see diverse interests like this?  But no, nerds are interested in science fiction, anime, and video games.  These are established nerd interests.

Perhaps it’s not so much about being different as it is about not being able to get a date.  These people want to belong somewhere.  So they get into these universally-agreed upon nerd topics.  Somebody who’s socially awkward and isn’t interested in science fiction has nowhere to go.

So you have these cult members and it’s clear that these people aren’t big hits with the opposite sex.  Or perhaps even the same sex, as many of them are clearly gay, including the leader.  So what are they going to do?  They’re lonely people.  Join the UFO cult, obviously.  Give this guy all of your money.

It’s not far removed from the nerd fans of Erin Plays, for example.  You look at these people, they’re clearly awkward, they’re not remarkable physical specimens, and they’re all fans of science fiction, anime, and/or video games.  They’re looking for a place to belong, a place where they can be accepted.  Oh, Erin talks to anyone if you pay her.  It doesn’t matter how much of a social misfit you are.  I’ll give her all of my money.

Where are the hot chicks in this Heaven’s Gate video?  Where are the sexy dudes?

It’s not even just about appearance.  Where are the dudes who enjoy working on muscle cars?  Or it doesn’t even have to be a macho thing.  People who enjoy travelling or baking or making pottery.  No, they’re all science fiction and computer enthusiasts.

These are lonely people who can’t get a date from a combination of their appearance and poor social skills.  They’ve been socially programmed to become involved in this narrow band of nerd interests if they wish to become part of a group, and thereby less lonely.  And you have complete scumbags like Erin Plays or Destiny Fomo or Marshall Applewhite taking advantage of this desire to be less lonely.

3 thoughts on “Student Exit Statements – Heaven's Gate

  1. birdwatching used to be considered nerdy a long time ago. like before video games, anime and science fiction came into being. i also have an inkling that people who were into comics as recently as the 50's didn't fit the current nerd archetype. life wasn't as comfy and easy back then, so they had to have other interests, including physical activities. moreover, as few people could afford a television, staying indoors meant that you'd have to listen to the radio, play cards or read. maybe technology and comfort bring out the worst in some people, so they resort to interests that aren't conducive of a grown-up life, as if they'd sooner retreat into the safeness of their distant childhood rather than face reality

  2. Those are all good points. I suppose the nerds of yesteryear did have different interests. And yeah, these nerd interests I mentioned, I was into all of that shit as a kid. Star Trek and science fiction broadly and comic books and video games. But by the time I was 15 or so, I have moved on. I watched all of the Star Trek that was on at the time: original series, Next Generation, the first few seasons of Deep Space Nine, the first season of Voyager. I had the memorabilia and I read the books and I even went to some fucking nerd conventions. But you couldn't pay me to watch that shit now. It does seem to be some kind of regression to still be interested in that stuff.

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