So many NES pick-ups, playing all the games and June Updates | Cannot be Tamed

You know things are rough out there when I’m reviewing a Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining video.  Especially a 31 minute one.

0:00 – “Personally and channel-wise, June was a very uneventful month”.

Oh god.  Over half an hour of boring as fuck Pam talking about nothing.

0:30 – She does the shoutout.  It’s a black guy.

Come on.  Every single shoutout Pam has ever done has been a gamer grrl.  But now she’s all on board Black Lives Matter.  And not in a good way.  Not in a way that will actually bring about social change.  She’s just paying lip service like these corporate stooges.

Oh, Ben & Jerry’s has black people on their ice cream cartons now.  Oh, no more Mrs Butterworth syrup.  Oh, Cleveland on Family Guy can be voiced by a black guy now.  That’s it, guys.  Police brutality is a thing of the past.

It’s the same with how corporations have co-opted “gay pride” as a way to make money.  That’s all it is.  These corporations don’t give a fuck about social issues.  Why would they?  Their only goal is to make money.  As much as possible.  There’s no ceiling.  No amount of money is enough.  And they’ll do absolutely anything to achieve this.

Similar thing with Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining over here.  She’s trying to make money, I guess, but this is just virtue signalling.  “Look at me, guys!  I like black guys now!”

Where the fuck were these black guys on her channel BEFORE this Black Lives Matter media hype?  She didn’t give a fuck.  She treated them with the same contempt that she treated men of any race.

But now we have Affro Man over here.  She has to prostrate herself before her SJW gods.  It’s fucking pathetic. And this woman is old enough to know better.  You expect this shit from “Millenials” or whatever the fuck the media calls them.  Those dumb fucks who get outraged over JK Rowling suggesting that “people who menstruate” is a stupid term for “women”.

So let’s check out the Affro Show.  641 subscribers.  Yeah.  This guy is going places.

It’s some fucking gay English man.  So Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining really hit it out of the park with this one.  Gay…black…if he’s Jewish, she’ll have the hat trick.

I can’t even listen to this shit.  His annoying posh accent.  Hey, Pam, how about some working class black guys next time?  They’re not making fucking Youtube videos about video games.  That’s the problem.

So anyway, back to Pam aka CannotBeEntertaining.  She says that she enjoys the Affro Show because he does videos on stuff that she doesn’t care about.  I’m not even joking.  Listen to her explanation.  He does reviews of Saturn games and fighting games, and Pam says that she’s not interested in either of these things.  That’s why she likes the channel.  Whatever.

I mean, come on.  Who the fuck has time to watch all of these channels?  She’s giving a “shoutout” every fucking month of some cretin and then she never mentions the person again.  She’s not watching this shit.  It would be impossible to watch all of these channels.

Then she gets into what she purchased last month.  Who cares?  I mean, what the fuck is this?  First grade show and tell?  I don’t care what she bought.  It’s just mindless consumerism anyway.

So I’m not watching any of that shit.  Fortunately, she does her own time stamps.

11:15 – “What I’ve been playing.”

Again, why would I possibly care?  Let’s say that she’s been playing a lot of Rimworld.

Okay.  So what?  How does this affect me?  She does like mini-reviews of these games but I’m not fucking picking this shit up.  Especially since I can’t even watch the video because she’s so god damned boring.

Honest to god, Pam could be sitting there topless and I wouldn’t watch the videos.  She’s AWFUL.  Maybe the most objectionable gamer grrl that I cover.  Well…on further reflection, that might not be right.  They’re all pretty objectionable in their own ways.  I wouldn’t want to pick a favourite.

She’s getting $125/month from this shit.  Let the good times roll.

You know what would be a nice gesture?  Giving that money to black people as reparations.  Spread it out among all of her black friends.  All zero of them.

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