DestinyFomo Channel Update – Destiny Fomo

0:00 – She claims that she’s been moving.  But I don’t know where to.  She talks about doing “packing streams”, presumably on Twitch.  It’s just bad.  She’s talking about things that only paid subscribers on Twitch or OnlyFans will know about.  So everybody else is just sitting there scratching their head.

0:15 – She says that she’s been busy with “OnlyFans, writing, and gaming.”

So she hasn’t given up on this comic book writer story, I guess.  Why haven’t we heard anything more about this?  It’s been six months since this job allegedly started.  Maybe she’s only talking about it on Twitch and OnlyFans.

But if she’s moving out of New York, won’t this affect the job?  It’s all bullshit.  Anyone with a brain knows that Madam Fomo is not writing a comic.  Just look at her horrendous writing abilities.  If that comic does actually come out, it’s going to be done entirely in crayon.

Oh, she’s also walking around and she keeps putting the camera on her tits.  We get it.  You have breasts.  What else can you offer?  Anything?

1:30 – After she talks about how she’s not interested in Youtube any more, she says, “I have someone I love, I’m financially stable, I have a job that I’m fortunate enough that all I need is my laptop to do it from and I can do it in a Starbucks.”

So she shouts out her pimp Joey aka TuanX.  And again, she seems to be suggesting that she’s writing a comic.  I guess.  It’s just weird that she doesn’t give details.  This is surely something that people would be interested in.  It’s also very much a nerd topic.

She keeps saying “all I need is my laptop to do my job”.  In reality, she doesn’t even need that much to do her actual job.  Well, I guess that she uses a lot of props.  Children’s toys and whatnot.  But for more vanilla clients, she just needs…I don’t know…maybe some lube?

3:00 – “You enjoyed a part of me, whether it was the video games, or the boobs, or the OnlyFans, or the corniness, the wrestling, whatever.”

Oh, I should have mentioned this.  She brings up OnlyFans A LOT.  She starts the video with, “Presented by OnlyFans dot (whatever her URL is).  It doesn’t even make sense.  So this video is sponsored by her OnlyFans page?

3:45 – Then she again gives the URL to her OnlyFans.  What’s the point of this?  Anyone who is interested in this shit, will have seen the URL at the start of the video.  Or the previous five times that she mentioned it in this short video.  Or the previous videos that she did all about her OnlyFans.  Or the pinned tweet on her Twitter.

Then a few hours later, she uploaded this video:

0:00 – “So after going through the comments on my previous video, I realised that my video kind of gave off the vibe that I’m leaving Youtube.”

Yeah, I guess.  I didn’t even notice, to be honest.  I mostly viewed it as a “Go to my OnlyFans” video.

Anyway, she’s not leaving Youtube.  That’s a relief.

Then she starts some bizarre shit about “I don’t know what kind of content to give back to you.”  It’s not a fucking exchange.  Make videos that you want to do.  This isn’t challenging stuff.

I don’t even get it.  She’s talking like she owes something to these horny losers.  Obviously, she doesn’t actually believe that but why even say it?  It doesn’t make sense.

“Oh, you guys jerked off to me for the past couple of years.  I’m so honoured.  I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”


1:15 – Then she has a weird shoutout for Darius Truxton.

Who’s Darius Truxton, you ask?  Some “Youtuber” with 1,500 subscribers.  He does videos on Madam Fomo and other “Youtubers” who he doesn’t like.  I watch his videos but he’s a fucking bottom tier “Youtuber”.

Madam Fomo also went on some guy’s podcast who has less than 1000 subscribers.  I talk about that here:

She seems to spend A LOT of time with these little-known Youtubers.  It must be because absolutely nobody else is talking about her and she just thrives on attention.  Any attention.  She did the same thing with my little-known sub-Reddits.

It’s pathetic.  She’s that starved for attention that she’ll spend HOURS with some 16 year old boy who has 300 subscribers over some stupid video that he made that had 50 views.

If she had a job, a legitimate job, maybe her priorities would be sorted better.  As it is now, she clearly has way too much time on her hands.  Coronavirus must be really damaging for her business.  It’s tough to “social distance” with a street walker.

And where is she going anyway?  She presumably knows the New York market.  She’s just going to rock up in Las Vegas and hit the casinos?  The women working there already won’t be happy with that.  And there are pimps working the women there who won’t just let TuanX take a cut of the action.  It’s a whole ordeal.

Anyway, I noticed that her subscriber rate has been stagnant at 110,000 ever since she stopped uploading videos.  Now it’s actually going down.  She’s down to 109,000.  So people are actively unsubscribing.  They’re sick of these OnlyFans promotional videos.

Think of how pissed off you have to get before you unsubscribe to somebody.  There are plenty of channels that I’m subscribed to, I don’t watch the videos, but I don’t unsubscribe.  Why would I?  Maybe one day they’ll make a video that looks interesting to me.  As it is, I just look at the thumbnail, say, “Well, that looks boring” and move on.  No big deal.

You have to really start posting some obnoxious shit before people unsubscribe.  And that’s exactly what she’s doing.  People are looking at this and thinking, “OnlyFans again?  Fuck off.  I never want to see this stupid shit again” and unsubscribing.  I totally get it.  Enough with this.

There’s so much interesting “content” that she can do.  Tell us about your comic book job.  Tell us about where you’re moving to.  Tell us about your prostitution job.  Whatever.  But no, it’s just endless promotion of her softcore porn site.  If I want to see softcore porn of Madam Fomo, I’ll just go to her Twitter where she posts this shit for free.

By the way, she already forgot about Black Lives Matter.  She’s back to posting softcore porn.

Let me see if Bobdunga moved on yet.  Well…sort of.  She still has the BlackLivesMatter hashtag in her name but her tweets are largely about video games and vain self-promotion now.

So that didn’t last that long.  Black lives no longer matter to Bobdunga.  She was the same with Kobe Bryant.  She was all about this guy and even his daughter, who she didn’t even know about until she died.  She was full on mourning, at least on Twitter.  And then as quickly as it started, she moved on to the next thing.

There hasn’t been a single post about basketball since.  I’m starting to think that she wasn’t quite the Kobe Bryant fan that she lead us to believe she was.

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