City Connection (NES) review | Cannot be Tamed

0:00 – Holy shit.  A pink top.  This is something special.  Yes, it’s going to be another boring as fuck, cookie cutter, snooze-fest game review of some ancient game that nobody gives a fuck about but…pink top!  I’m pumped.

God damn is this boring.  This is the longest fucking five minutes of my life.  But finally, we got to what I was looking for.  Some of that “hilarious” social commentary from our favourite dullard Pam.

The game has you playing as a car and you jump between platforms and you have to avoid police.

5:00 – “All these cities seem to have to offer is excessive numbers of police and poorly thought out roads.  If they de-funded police and diverted some of that budget to things like infrastructure, a better time would be had by all”

Zing!  Take that…umm…I’m not sure.  Somebody.  The police, I guess.

Everybody is all about de-funding the police now.  Why wasn’t Pam saying this a month ago?  She never even heard of the concept.  But now she’s all in.

It’s like this coronavirus shit.  In the early days of this panic, some guy on Reddit, who works as a food delivery driver, was really criticising the people who he delivers food to.  “Hey, what part of “contact-less delivery don’t you understand?  Get back in your house.”

Oh, yes because we all knew what “contact-less delivery” meant.  That’s when you put my food on the filthy ground while I go cower under my bed.  How silly of me not to know that.

I went to the grocery store the other day.  I was behind some guy, waiting for the cashier.  I was probably five feet behind him because he had his cart behind him.

So the cashier looks at me and tells me to back up.  I didn’t understand what she meant.  So she points at the floor.  There was a marking indicating the six feet that you’re supposed to be away from the person in front of you.

Oh, how silly of me not to know.  Of course.  We should all be six feet away from each other at the grocery store checkouts.  Five feet isn’t enough.  Coronavirus can jump five feet.  But it can’t jump six feet.

Then when it was my turn, there was an old woman behind me, and this cashier did the same thing to her.  And this old woman actually apologised.

I didn’t apologise.  I gave this cashier a look of disbelief.  But we’re just supposed to fucking know this.  And we’re supposed to comply.  Come on, guys.  Six feet.  Six feet apart.  You don’t want to get a cold, do you?  Put your masks on.  Wear your gloves.  Wash your hands.

Has public health improved whatsoever as a result of all of this bullshit?  I mean, airborne diseases across the board should be way down, right?  Colds, flu, meningitis, you name it.  They should be all but eliminated by now.  Right?

As far as I’m aware, there’s been no change.  But we sure do have to take a lot of precautions.  Can’t even go to work.  Too dangerous.  Better to have the entire world economy collapse than risk getting a fucking cold.

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