DOOM 1 (GZDOOM) Practice Stream! – Erin Plays

Another Doom video that Erin didn’t upload to Youtube.  Why not?  It’s “content”.  And what amazing content it is.  I suspect that I’m going to have to download this one too.  The last one was over 8 gigs but it’s worth it.

She changed the title of this one, presumably because somebody was giving her shit over this in the previous stream.

The stream starts with Erin having some technical concerns and saying, “I’m going to sit here awkwardly until somebody sees me.  So let me know if you can hear me and you can see me”

No prizes for guessing who was the first person to respond.  That guy must have absolutely no life.  There’s clearly a mental health issue as well.  You look at his Youtube channel and there’s just one video.  It’s something like “The ten goriest anime scenes of all time.”  And he also had or has some account on an anime site for…drawing or something.  Some weird shit.  The guy has real problems.

How can you possibly watch every stream?  She streams at all different times of the day.  He must not have a job.  Or any kind of social life.  He must never leave his home to get groceries.  He must live with his parents.  He just stays inside all day every day waiting for Erin to stream.

Erin says that she wanted to stream the day before but she was working on a “script”.  What can she possibly mean?  Her Youtube videos are scripted?  It’s impossible.  All she does it point out background shit or foreground shit and say “X looks like Y”.  These aren’t scripted comments.  These are the banal musings of a dullard.

I mean, what the fuck?  If those videos are scripted, she’s the greatest actress of our time.  She’s playing the role of a complete imbecile who knows nothing about video games to perfection.  It’s just too bad that the script is so unbelievably terrible.

Oh my god.  Erin is at a location which is clearly some kind of prison cell and she tries to go through the bars.  Then she makes a joke about being “too thicc” to fit through.  Then she says, “I want that CRT” referring to an item behind the bars.  “X looks like Y”.  Then she says, “I don’t understand” after further attempts to fit through these bars.

She’s not even joking.  She honestly expects to fit through these bars.  She doesn’t understand that it’s supposed to be like a little prison cell and there’s obviously an alternate way to get in.

Then she accidentally stumbles upon the solution (she shoots a skull on a pillar or something) and the bars drop.  She doesn’t realise what just happened.  Then enemies attack her.

Then she picks up some health and says, “I got the healthy health”.  She goes in this area behind the cell and a message appears indicating that she found a secret area.  Erin doesn’t understand this.  “Secret?  Is this the secret?” and she leaves the secret area.  She doesn’t have a clue.  The secret is obviously that area that she just revealed by shooting that skull or whatever she did.  There were items in there.

“Where was the secret?  I got turned around.”  She’s completely clueless.  What the fuck is she expecting?  She got that “CRT” thing, I don’t know what it does, but that obviously looked like a special item.  And there were health packs and armour things and maybe some ammo.  THAT’S THE SECRET AREA!  How can she not know this?

Then she leaves again and says, “Maybe this is the secret.”  Just…it’s completely fucking idiotic.

Somebody in the chat says, “the secret was that room that opened”.  Imagine having to be told this.  How can these people watch this video and think that she knows anything about video games?

Then she finds another secret, it’s some sort of invincibility item, I guess, and she just stand there looking around.  “Where’s the secret?”  She’s fucking glowing and the weapon changed to fist.  She doesn’t notice anything different that just happened.

I don’t get it.  What is she hoping is going to happen?

Then this item expires, because she just kept looking around like an idiot, and says, “There’s my trusty shotgun.”  She doesn’t understand that she was supposed to make the most of this invincibility or whatever item by actually fucking moving and killing shit.

Then she’s looking around.  “Okay, not here.  Not here.  Okay, I don’t know where the secret is.”

This is some next level shit.  The people fucking told her the previous time that the secret was the room.  Now she got some fucking special item and she doesn’t realise that that was the secret.

What the fuck?  Is she expecting dancing girls?  Some philosophical advice?  I don’t understand it.

“I might be misinterpreting everything, which is highly possible.”

“I know that’s shotgun shells but I swear to god, doesn’t that look like a sandwich?  Doesn’t that look like a hoagie or something.”

Boy, that’s some funny shit.  “X looks like Y”.  Some of that top tier female “comedy” that the world enjoys so much.

Then she reads the chat.  “Duke Nukem 3d might be fun?  I’ve never played Duke Nukem.”

You don’t say.

What am I up to with this?  Eight minutes.  There’s three hours to go.  I never even get close.  I bet that she saves the REALLY dumb comments for the end.  Or at least the last 75% of the streams.  “There’s no way that Joco guy is still watching this so I can say whatever I want now.”

“You know, maybe I should turn on that fist thing.  Let’s try punching people.”

I don’t know what’s happening.  Why does she suddenly think that the fist is a good weapon to use?

Then she…fell off of a cliff, of sorts, and looped back to a section of the map that she was already at.  It’s the part with that secret item.  But, of course, she doesn’t realise that she’s already been here.

Now she’s completely lost.

She references that “mac & cheese” thing that she did, with the two packets of cheese.  And she says, “I’m sorry that I like mac & cheese and that I made it one time.”

If she likes it, why only make it one time?  More bizarre lies from Erin.

Shishi says, “Need a goth cutie who bakes.”

Well, get out there then, Shishi.  You know what women like?  A man with a job.

What they don’t like are weird anime nerds who are obsessed over some “streamer”.  Some people will say, “be yourself and you’ll find the right woman”.  These people don’t know what they’re talking about.  You can not tell these women that you’re interested in nerd shit and are obsessed with some shit “streamer”.  These women will run a mile in the opposite direction.

Erin claims to have had a headache all day, the previous day.  Uh huh.  Must be all that stress from playing video games for a living, three hours a week.

She says she’s going to start the level over because she’s completely lost.  Is she really going to do this?  How the fuck would it help?  She’s already killed a bunch of enemies and activated some switches.  How is starting over going to be an improvement?

Oh my god.  She did.  She restarted the level.  She thinks that this is somehow going to help.  I don’t even know what to say.  What’s the logic behind this?  I don’t want to dwell on this any longer.  She knows absolutely nothing about video games and she’s a powerfully unintelligent woman.

No, I can’t watch this any more.  I’m not going to watch her stumble through the same fucking level again. I made it to 18 minutes.  This is total trash.  How these people are there for the full three hours is anyone’s guess.  How can they possibly be entertained by this?

Anyway, in case I missed something, I downloaded this one to my personal archive.

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