SupaCozyGaming’s “LiveJournal” aka SupaPixelGirl aka SupaNintendoGirl aka Supa_XO aka SupaPixelWeaver aka SupaNostalgic aka SupaCrazyCatLady I got this from her Discord. I don’t know if this link will work: Bear in mind that she changes names immediately so will shut everything down shortly after she reads this. I don’t think that there’s anything… Read moreSupaCozyGaming’s “LiveJournal” aka SupaPixelGirl aka SupaNintendoGirl aka Supa_XO aka SupaPixelWeaver aka SupaNostalgic aka SupaCrazyCatLady

ASMR Saria prepares Link to leave Kokiri Forest (Ocarina of Time) – PixelWeaver

Let me start off by saying that this person, allegedly, has a degree in psychology or psychiatry. She is/was looking for work as a psychologist/psychiatrist. I wonder why I stopped hearing about that job search. I remember her classmates telling… Read moreASMR Saria prepares Link to leave Kokiri Forest (Ocarina of Time) – PixelWeaver

Point and Drink Adventure Podcast Episode 10 – What are our Favorite things? – Cannot Be Tamed

Ten fabulous episodes of Point and Drink Adventure. I think that this is the last one because this was uploaded three weeks ago and they were trying to upload every…week? Every two weeks at the most, I would think. Maybe… Read morePoint and Drink Adventure Podcast Episode 10 – What are our Favorite things? – Cannot Be Tamed

Hiraeth – SupaPixelGirl's Debut Album The music world is abuzz over this one.  Four generic comments from the horntards. You can listen to it on Spotify but that requires an account and possibly an exchange of money.  So I’m using Soundcloud. 1. … Read moreHiraeth – SupaPixelGirl's Debut Album