Madam Fomo: sigh* I really did not want to do this, but since everyone else bought one 🤷🏻‍♀️ what does this make it…? 8 ps5’s in the collection now?
Guy: Definitely pays to have big boobs.
Madam Fomo: im a college graduate who held a double major… and oh I happen to own 2 businesses and none of which have to do with “boobs” you meant to say it pays to be successful
If you have a degree, you wouldn’t use the phrase “held a double major”, which is a phrase that I’ve never heard in my life, by the way. You would just say, “I have a degree in Biology and Chemistry” or whatever.
But there is no way, NO WAY that Madam Fomo has a degree. She’s barely literate. And from the timeline I’ve been able to piece together, she’s been a prostitute since before the age of 18. When did she find time to go to college?
She’s a pathological liar. When asked what she does for a living, she used to say “video editor”. Then there was the period where she claimed that she signed a two year contract to make a comic book. This was years ago. No comic book was ever produced. We never got a single panel. No sketches. No story template. Nothing. But for about a year, she promoted this phantom comic book.
There are all the phone scams that she runs. “Text me” bullshit. “Leave me a voicemail”. It’s some scam that she’s running. Or, more accurately, her pimp TuanX is running.
So now she’s claiming to run two businesses. What are they? And they’re two business that don’t have anything to do with her breasts, according to her. So it can’t be Twitch or Youtube.
She’s a prostitute. So there’s one business, I guess. What’s the other one?
Well, let’s check the comments. Maybe she’s going to be forthright with us for a change. You never know.
“Some people have to be reminded that an education under all of this”
Uh huh. Where did she go to college? Can she tell us that? Show us your degree, Madam Fomo. You’re obviously proud of it.
But no, no mention of her degree or her two businesses. It’s entirely made up. It’s what she does.

Destiny Matos probably didn’t finish high school. Anyone under 40 would have a graduation picture in their twitters, or mention the school on occasion or just have the info in the profile. Destiny Matos is a whore. That’s all.
In case anyone thinks you’re exaggerating, she genuinely probably did not finish high school. She was prostituting, quite possibly, before the age of 18.
I read her twitter to the start. I can’t remember how far back but I think 16. She complained about school a few times. For someone sooooo in love with herself you’d think she’d broadcast her graduation. So she either dropped out or got a GED. Let’s face a cold hard truth. Destiny Matos is a non-white female. She is also retarded, or to be generous, ignorant. She was probably allowed to pass through school by teachers who were afraid to be called racist or sexist by letting a very very stupid person fail. A white male with the same low IQ would receive no special treatment and fail.
Now Destiny Matos collects PS5s for Tuan X by tricking retards into thinking her tits are going to pop out if you send her one. The tits will never pop out. you will never see them. There are free tits all over the internet and if you venture outside, you’ll likely see some tits in the wild, possibly for free too.
A final thought. All girls prostitute themselves. Some lie to themselves and call this ‘dating’ while others are just more honest about it.
The A.I pic is hilarious
You just know Newt has thousands that he’s made of Horseface stashed away in his “spank bank”
Yeah, I don’t want to think about Newt’s Horseface AI collection.
I’ve been messing with AI art recently. I got Stable Fusion. I was going to make a comic book adaptation of my story about PVC Bondage Guy but it’s just so hard to get it to do even a simple frame. “Woman looking in her closet” would produce a woman with three arms in a weird angle with a background that doesn’t resemble anything even close to a closet.
And in panels with more than one character in them, it’s completely impossible. I know that you can “in-paint” a second character but I just don’t see this happening. It would take hundreds of hours and I’m not going to do that for some stupid joke at Newt Wallen’s expense.